CTC rated Category 1 by NZQA

The NZQA External Evaluation and Review (2021) of Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological College has rated our institute Category 1.  This is the highest rating and means NZQA is Highly Confident in the educational performance of CTC.


NZQA regularly evaluates all tertiary education providers and in 2021 it was the turn of Te Kupenga Catholic Theological College – its first External Evaluation since the merger that brought the present organisation together. To read the full EER report click here. To cite some of the things they said:


Highly Confident in educational performance.

The most important needs of learners and stakeholders are well met. The College’s programmes offer significant value. Learners grow important skills and knowledge to benefit their roles and communities. Highly effective processes contributing to valued outcomes include close learner engagement and support, responsive educators, and contextualised learning and activities.

The PTE’s purpose and direction is clear. Academic leadership is strong, furthered by the benefits of the recent merger.


Contributes significant value to the community

The College contributes significant community value as the sole formal, funded provider of Catholic theological, ministry and religious education in New Zealand. For school communities, the Level 5 qualification is instilling teachers with greater self-awareness and knowledge of the Catholic religion to confidently and effectively deliver religious education in Catholic schools.

The Bachelor of Theology is valued by stakeholders for the standard of education and the growth learners gain, including in confidence, knowledge, empathy, understanding of different perspectives, critical and logical thinking, communication and language. The qualification is needed for entry to the priesthood and supports lay leaders to better support their communities. Ninety-one per cent of graduates surveyed confirmed the relevance of the qualification to their roles.


Supportive and Proactive Learning

Learning is supported, and challenges to learning are minimised by close teacher-student relationships, responsive academic staff, relevant learning contexts, activities and teaching approaches, and flexible modes of learning. Level 7 learners and staff value the proactive learning support facilitated by the College’s librarian and access to an extensive on-site library.

Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

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