The Academic Advisory Board provides oversight, advice and assurance to the Governance Board and Chief Executive of Te Kupenga Catholic Leadership Institute, that the Catholic Theological College’s academic programmes:
- are robust in delivery and moderation
- are academically rigorous and meet regulatory requirements
- are accessible through a range of delivery methods
- are reviewed and updated regularly, through a quality assurance system.
- Receive and consider reports on student enrolment and achievement, course review and development, teacher evaluation and moderation and Te Kupenga research priorities and activities
- Offer guidance on academic procedures and benchmarks
- Offer guidance on Te Kupenga’s research culture and practices
- Approve programmes of study and all associated documents for external registration
- Approve applications from staff for higher degree research
- Review and amend academic policies and procedures, for ratification by the Governance Board
- Assist Te Kupenga to form and strengthen relationships and collaborations with other tertiary institutions.

Dr Paul Trebilco

Dr Barbara Myers

Dr Michael Mawson

Dr Rowan Light

Dr Cherie Chu-Fuluifaga

CTC Representatives
Mr Robert Blucher (Te Kupenga Chief Executive) Dr John Evangelista (CTC Director) Fr Merv Duffy (CTC Dean, L7) Mrs Susan Wilson (CTC Dean, L5/6) Peter Ryan (Staff Representative) Gerson Badayos (Student Representative)