Looking Ahead
These are the papers offered for Level 7 awards (BDiv and Grad Dip Th), for level 5 and 6 click here.
The papers offered are grouped by discipline. Make sure that the courses you want to take will help you to complete your degree or graduate diploma, rather than finding out later that they do not fit the requirements and therefore cannot be counted.
Learn more about the qualifications the College offers or simply find out how to enrol now. A good place to start when selecting papers are the planning guides for the:
- Bachelor’s Degree Planning Guide [PDF download]
- Graduate Diploma Planning Guide [PDF download]
Here you can check out if the papers that interest you also fit the requirements of the qualification you’ve chosen to study towards. Or simply find out how to enrol now.
How many papers do students take each semester?
This can vary depending on whether you are studying on-campus or by-distance, part-time or full-time. Refer to the planning guides above.
If you are considering being an on-campus student (Auckland), you may want to check out the Weekly Timetable for 2025S1
and the Academic Calendar for 2025
Link to the Semester One 2025 on-campus weekly Timetable >>>
Papers in Semester One 2025
- B1000 Introduction to the Old Testament & the Pentateuch (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- B2000 Prophetic Literature (Available to on-campus and distance students )
- C3000 Canon Law and the Sacraments (Weeks 1-7 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- C3010 Matrimonial and Procedural Law (Weeks 8-13 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- D2000 Fundamental Theology: Faith, Revelation and Theology (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- D3100 Sacraments of Initiation (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- D3120 Marriage and Orders (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- H1010 Early Church History (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- H3040 Reformations: Churches in the 16th Century (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- P1010 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Psychology (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- W1010 Ancient and Early Medieval Philosophy (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- W2020 Moral Philosophy (Available to on-campus and distance students)
Papers in Semester Two 2025
- B1010 Introduction to the New Testament and Pauline Literature (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- B3010 Johannine Literature (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- C2000 Introduction to Canon Law and Governance (Weeks 1-7 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- C3020 Special Studies in Canon Law (Weeks 8-13 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- D2010 Christology and Soteriology (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- D2020 Ecclesiology and Mariology (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- L1000 Theology and Practice of Liturgy (Available to on-campus and distance students)
- L2000 Liturgical Music, Art and Architecture (Weeks 8-13 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- L3000 Homiletics (Weeks 1-7 of semester. Available to on-campus students only)
- M3000 Sexual Ethics, Marriage and Family (Weeks 1-7 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- M3010 Catholic Social Teaching (Weeks 1-7 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- M3020 Bioethics and Healthcare Ethics (Weeks 8-13 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- M3030 Contemporary Issues in Moral Theology (Weeks 8-13 of semester. Available to on-campus and distance students)
- P2010 The Mission of the Church (Available to on-campus students only)
- S1000 Introduction to Spiritual Theology (Available to on-campus students only)
- W1020 Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy (Available to on-campus students only)