Religious Education

Information on Religious Education Course Units

RE501 Religious Education Today

Level 5, 10 Credits

This course will enable students to explore and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the language, effective teaching and assessment of Religious Education within Catholic schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. The exploration will take in the context of the primary and secondary Religious Education curriculum statements prescribed by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Conference (NZCBC).

RE502 Spirituality for Teachers

Level 5, 10 Credits

This course will provide students with the opportunity to explore the meaning of Christian spirituality; practical suggestions to enhance the place of prayer and liturgy in the life of a Catholic school community; and the opportunity to examine the impact of faith development on the growth and development of the spirituality of children and/or adolescents in the context of a Catholic School in Aotearoa New Zealand.

RE503 Teaching Practice (Pre-service)

Level 5, 20 Credits

A teaching practicum in a Catholic School is an opportunity to experience the life of a Catholic Community, to participate in the role of teacher of Religious Education and leader of class prayer, and to model gospel values to students, staff, parents and the wider community of the school. This paper is a capstone paper where students will integrate, synthesise, and apply the knowledge and skills achieved throughout the qualification.

RE504 Teaching in a Catholic School (In service)

Level 5, 20 Credits

This course draws on Church documents, other current writings and the experience of the participants to examine the life of a Catholic school community. It is a capstone paper where students will integrate, synthesise, and apply their knowledge and skills to examine the identity and mission of Catholic Schools; explore teaching and leadership roles in Catholic Schools; reflect on how Catholic Schools can model gospel values to the wider school community and examine the meaning of Special Character as it is lived out in their own Catholic school setting.

RE601 What Makes a School Catholic?

Level 6, 15 credits

What makes a school Catholic? What is meant by “special character”? What is the role of teachers, Boards of Trustees and others, in maintaining and enhancing the Catholic character of a school? This course draws on Church documents, other current writings and the experience of the participants to provide some answers to these and related questions.

RE602 The Religious Education Curriculum

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course will enable students to explore and apply the Religious Education Curriculum in some depthUsing the Religious Education curriculum statements prescribed by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) students will integrate, synthesise, and apply their knowledge and pedagogical skills to a nominated strand in the context of either primary or secondary Catholic School.

RE603 Issues in Religious Education

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course examines some of the critical issues or concerns that affect the life and culture of Catholic Education within the social, cultural and religious context of Aotearoa New Zealand. It explores the questions of identity and difference of Catholic Education as these are understood within both the broader Ecclesial community of the Catholic Church and more specifically the ministry of teaching Religious Education.

RE604 Leadership in Catholic Schools

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course explores the nature and principles of leadership in the context of Catholic education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using a range of Church documents on Catholic education and contemporary models of leadership students will be encouraged to explore their own leadership paradigm in relation to effective leadership in Catholic schools.

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Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

Enrolment for Certificate and Diploma programmes is ongoing.
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