Pastoral Studies

Information on Pastoral Course Units

PM501 Prayer and Liturgy

Level 5, 10 Credits
Using experiential teaching methods, the aim of this course is to look at the theory and principles of liturgy and how these can be adapted to practical situations that relate to the everyday liturgical practice of the Church

PM502 Spirituality for Ministry

Level 5 course, 10 credits
This course will provide an opportunity for participants to explore the meaning of spirituality and ways of nourishing it in their own lives. It will also provide participants with practical suggestions for appropriate prayer with individuals and groups in ministry.

PM503 Mission and Ministry

Level 5, 10 Credits
This course examines different understandings of the Church, with special emphasis on the “Community of Disciples” or ‘Communio”model. The significance of liturgy, the meaning of mission and ecumenism, and the role of ministers, ordained and lay, are some of the issues explored.

PM504 Pastoral Ministry in Praxis

Level 5, 10 Credits
This course provides participants with an understanding of the basic principles and skills of pastoral ministry in the Catholic tradition, and to give them an opportunity to reflect on how these apply in a specific pastoral context by undertaking a supervised pastoral ministry project.

PM505 Catholic Youth Ministry

Level 5, 10 Credits
Through an examination of A Framework for Catholic Ministry with Young People in Aotearoa New Zealand, this course will introduce participants to the goals, themes and components of Catholic Youth Ministry.

PM506 Youth Ministry Practice

Level 5, 10 Credits
The Youth Ministry Practice is an opportunity to experience the life of the Catholic faith community and to actively participate as a leader in ministry with young people. It is a chance to further explore the role of the youth minister.

PM601 Leading Prayer

Level 6, 15 Credits
Prayer is at the heart of our Christian tradition. This course will provide an introduction to different forms of Christian prayer over the centuries.

PM602 Celebrating Liturgy

Level 6, 15 Credits
This course will examine in some depth the many dimensions that are essential to a more extensive research of liturgy. Both theoretical and practical in delivery, the course examines Vatican Council II and the renewal of the liturgy, the purpose of the Scripture in worship, the Eucharist, Church art and architecture, various rites and has a more detailed look at some of the main ministries in our liturgical celebrations as well as the role of the liturgy committee.

PM603 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

This course will cover the basic periods and stages which comprise the Christian rite of initiation into the Church Community (RCIA). The aim is to give participants an appreciation of RCIA as a process rather than a programme by examining the key elements of each period and stage, and exploring possible ways of ongoing development.

PM604 Skills for Pastoral Ministry

PM605 Role of Pastoral Minister

Canon Law

C2000 Principles of Canon Law and Governance* 

Stage 2 of a Level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits
This course introduces students to the study of canon law. It will explore the nature of canon law and the different types of canon law. The course will explain the power of governance and who exercise it. Attention will be given to the specific roles of the pope, the College of Cardinals, the Roman Curia, ecumenical and plenary councils, and the diocesan bishop.

C3020 Special Studies in Canon Law*

Stage 3 of a Level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits

This course enables students to study a selected set of themes within Canon Law. Themes will be chosen by the lecturer to complement prior study in the canonical tradition. Content may include any of Books I through VII.

C3000 Canon Law and Governance*

These course units (C3000 and C3010) complements the other units in Canon Law. Details to be posted.

Stage 3 of a Level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits

C3010 Matrimonial and Procedural Law*

Stage 3 of a Level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 Credits

Note: (* = 7.5 credits)


L1000 Theology and Practice of Liturgy

Stage 1 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits

This course will examine the Jewish origins of the Christian liturgy and the development of liturgical practice from ancient times up to the reforms mandated by the Second Vatican Council, noting the relationship between the lex orandi and the lex credendi. While the principal focus will be on the Roman Rite, a brief study of eastern rites of the Catholic Church will complete the picture of the Catholic Church’s liturgical practice. The reform of the other liturgical rites (e.g. funerals) in the West will be explored in the light of current pastoral needs. The course will examine the reception of the liturgical reform and emerging questions.

L2000 Liturgical Music, Art and Architecture*

Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 credits. Details to be posted.

L3000 Homiletics*
Stage 3 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 credits. Details to be posted.
Note: (* = 7.5 credits)


P1010 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Psychology 
Stage 1 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
Details to be posted.
P2000 Introduction to Church Administration* 
Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 7.5 credits (Weeks 1-7 of semester. On-campus students only) 
Details to be posted.

P2010 Introduction to Pastoral Counselling

Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
Details to be posted.
P2040 Introduction to Pastoral Counselling (Available to on-campus students only)
Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
Details to be posted.
P2050 Maori Pastoral Care 
Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
Details to be posted.

P2060 Supervised Ministry Practicum and Integrity in Ministry

Stage 2 of a level 7 award (BDiv or Grad Dip Th) 15 credits
Details to be posted.

P7376 The Psychology of Religious Vocation

Level 7, 15 Credits (use in BTh or Grad Dip Th)
This course unit aims to enable the student to understand the psychological underpinnings of an ecclesial vocation by constructing a framework for understanding the processes relating to vocational commitment and effective pastoral ministry.
Note: (* = 7.5 credits)

Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

Enrolment for Certificate and Diploma programmes is ongoing.
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