Diploma Programme (Level 6)

Information on the Diploma Programme (Level 6) Course Units


TH601 The Sacraments Today

Level 6, 15 Credits

Using a contemporary sacramental theology, this course will explore the place of sacraments within the faith life of Catholic communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. The course will offer a synopsis of the seven Catholic sacraments and examine how the sacramental-liturgical celebrations of the Church expresses the identity of Christian communities and shapes their sense of mission.

TH603 Renewing the Church

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course examines the critical historical and theological influences on the evolving understanding of the mission and identity of the Church since the Second Vatican Council. Students will consider the ecclesial and pastoral implications of the call since the Council to renewal through response to ‘the signs of the times in the light of the Gospel’.

TH609 He Turanga Whakaaro

Level 6, 15 Credits

This paper provides an advanced understanding of the Māori concepts introduced in the certificate. Through their engagement in the Te Reo journey, students will deepen their understanding of how this provides a world view that is the same, similar and different to their own and so gain a greater appreciation of the importance of their own story and its intersection with Māori world. 

TH620 Studies in Church History

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course explores the growth and development of the Christian Church as it responds to changing social, historical and cultural times. It investigates the dynamic nature of the relationship between the Church and the world. It examines the impact key institutions; movements; events and teachings of the Church have had on the people and history of their own time and on the contemporary Catholic Church

TH623 Ministry and Values

Level 6, 15 Credits

The Catholic understanding of ethics and social mores comes from our rich history, engaging with the Church and the world. The radical changes in social practices and the increasing influence of new technologies in contemporary lives and institutions are changing the framework of our decision making. Students will explore the foundational principles for making moral and social decisions in this course.  Students will critically reflect on ethical/social justice practices concerning contemporary issues within the framework of the Catholic tradition.

TH624 Values for Religious Education

Level 6, 15 Credits

The radical changes in social practices and increasing influence of new technologies in contemporary lives and institutions are changing the framework of our decision making. The Catholic perspective on values is formally expressed through the Church’s official teaching on social and political issues. In this course, students will explore the foundational principles for making decisions on matters of value. This course will help students critically reflect on ethical and social justice practices concerning contemporary issues within the framework of the Catholic Tradition.

TH625 Theology for Religious Education: Special Topic

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course introduces students to theology’s foundational principles and methodologies by studying a special topic. Students will explore the role of the special topic in the growth and development of Christianity. Using a variety of perspectives, they will examine the impact of the special topic within the Catholic tradition and current events. They will view their own faith journey from the perspective of this theological understanding.

TH626 Theology for Ministry: Special Topic

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course introduces students to theology’s foundational principles and methodologies by studying a special topic. Students will explore the role of the special topic in the growth and development of Christianity. Using a variety of perspectives, they will examine the impact of the special topic within the Catholic tradition and current events. They will view their own faith journey from the perspective of this theological understanding.

Sacred Scripture

SC601 The Gospel in Aotearoa

Level 6, 15 Credits
The Gospels are not merely a record of the early Christian communities; they are the primary foundation of our Christian faith and mission. In this course, students will examine the content and structure of the designated Gospel for the liturgical year (or John’s Gospel). The central focus will be on the text, ‘ever ancient, ever new’, discovering the richness and relevance to our lives today.

SC602 Bible in Religious Education

Level 6, 15 Credits
The holiness of Israel rests in their covenantal relationship with God, expressed in the Old Testament. The New Testament Church shares this covenant. This course will focus on a Special Topic from the Bible – excluding the Gospels – (e.g. The Pentateuch, the Prophets, Pauline letters, the Pastorals, the Apocalypse). It will explore the foundational notion of the topic of faith in the 21st century and applied to Religious education.

SC603 Bible in Ministry

Level 6, 15 Credits

The holiness of Israel rests in their covenantal relationship with God, expressed in the Old Testament. The New Testament Church shares this covenant. This course will focus on a Special Topic from the Bible – excluding the Gospels – (e.g. The Pentateuch, the Prophets, Pauline letters, the Pastorals, the Apocalypse). It will explore the foundational notion of the topic of faith in the 21st century and the relevance for ministry.

Pastoral Studies

PM601 Leading Prayer

Level 6, 15 Credits

Prayer is at the heart of our Christian tradition. This course will provide an introduction to different forms of Christian prayer over the centuries.

PM602 Celebrating Liturgy

Level 6, 15 Credits
This course will examine in some depth the many dimensions that are essential to a more extensive research of liturgy. Both theoretical and practical in delivery, the course examines Vatican Council II and the renewal of the liturgy, the purpose of the Scripture in worship, the Eucharist, Church art and architecture, various rites and has a more detailed look at some of the main ministries in our liturgical celebrations as well as the role of the liturgy committee.

PM603 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course will cover the basic periods and stages which comprise the Christian rite of initiation into the Church Community (RCIA). The aim is to give participants an appreciation of RCIA as a process rather than a programme by examining the key elements of each period and stage, and exploring possible ways of ongoing development.

PM604 Skills for Pastoral Ministry

Level 6, 15 Credits
This course explores the elementary theory and practice of organisational structure, management and administration skills. It will discuss basic pastoral skills, including communication, listening and attending. The course also focuses on: personal and interpersonal skills, problem identification, decision-making, stress management, self-management, and understanding grief, loss and death. Students will practice skills in a pastoral setting.

PM605 Role of Pastoral Minister

Level 6, 15 Credits

Christian faith believes that God’s transforming love can bring joy and comfort to all people. Pastoral theology seeks to understand the implications of our faith for the pastoral care of people in various contexts. Students in this course will participate in ministry within supervised contexts. Students will explore the minister’s role in multiple situations identifying and applying gospel values in this ministry.


LD601 Values and Ethics in Leadership

Level 6, 15 Credits
Keeping in mind the practical challenges faced by those in or aspiring to leadership roles, and the bi-cultural commitment of the Church in Aotearoa New Zealand, this course will help students critically reflect on ethical practice in relation to contemporary issues within the framework of the Catholic-Christian moral tradition, including its tradition of canon law.

LD602 Liturgical Leadership and Practice

Level 6, 15 Credits
This course is designed to prepare lay ministers for leadership in the liturgical and spiritual life of a range of Catholic ecclesial communities. The course will provide students with a critical understanding of the significance of liturgical celebrations in Catholic life and help them develop the practical skills needed to lead forms of liturgical and spiritual expression in contemporary ecclesial communities.

LD603 Biblical Modules of Leadership

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course will examine significant models of Biblical leadership by both men and women, to explore their relevance for contemporary Church leadership in Aotearoa New Zealand. Students will be challenged to consider how to apply Biblical models such as servant leadership and prophetic leadership to specific pastoral and ecclesial situations.

LD604 Skills for Pastoral Leadership

Level 6, 15 credits
Beginning with the records of Jesus’ own public ministry, the course will enable participants to examine the key motifs and leadership insights from that ministry and apply them to pastoral and managerial challenges within particular ecclesial settings. The practical applications in a variety of ministries is explored.

LD605 Leadership and Ministry

Level 6, 15 Credits

This capstone course applies the principles and practices of lay leadership examined throughout the Christian leadership programme to the exercise of leadership within the context of a parish, chaplaincy, school or other ecclesial organisation. Drawing from the mainstream theories of leadership, and the biblical and Catholic models of leadership covered in previous courses, students will consolidate and demonstrate their understanding of the practice of lay pastoral leadership to manage communities and parishes in the bi-cultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand.


Religious Education

RE601 What Makes a School Catholic?

Level 6, 15 credits

What makes a school Catholic? What is meant by “special character”? What is the role of teachers, Boards of Trustees and others, in maintaining and enhancing the Catholic character of a school? This course draws on Church documents, other current writings and the experience of the participants to provide some answers to these and related questions.

RE602 The Religious Education Curriculum

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course will enable students to explore and apply the Religious Education Curriculum in some depthUsing the Religious Education curriculum statements prescribed by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) students will integrate, synthesise, and apply their knowledge and pedagogical skills to a nominated strand in the context of either primary or secondary Catholic School.

RE603 Issues in Religious Education

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course examines some of the critical issues or concerns that affect the life and culture of Catholic Education within the social, cultural and religious context of Aotearoa New Zealand. It explores the questions of identity and difference of Catholic Education as these are understood within both the broader Ecclesial community of the Catholic Church and more specifically the ministry of teaching Religious Education.

RE604 Leadership in Catholic Schools

Level 6, 15 Credits

This course explores the nature and principles of leadership in the context of Catholic education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using a range of Church documents on Catholic education and contemporary models of leadership students will be encouraged to explore their own leadership paradigm in relation to effective leadership in Catholic schools.

Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

Enrolment for Certificate and Diploma programmes is ongoing.
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