Webinar 2


There is a general perception that there is a current crisis in leadership.  In this webinar, we will discuss true leadership as a participation in the leadership of Jesus Christ. All those in leadership positions as well as aspiring leaders would find these talks useful in their work with parishes and other faith-based organisations.


Session 1

31 October (Tuesday), 5:30-6:30pm

  • Who am I following?  Who am I?

Session 2

07 November (Tuesday), 5:30-6:30pm

  • What is God requiring of me?  What have I been given?

Session 3

14 November (Tuesday), 5:30-6:30pm

  • How do I prepare for Life’s Task?

How to register

Register HERE.

You only need to register once for the three sessions, and use the same link for all. All participants must register.


Fee – $60 for the three sessions.

Please make all payments to Te Kupenga and send us a copy of your payment to events@ctc.ac.nz

Account number 02-0506-0015015-00

Reference: W2 Last name (if paying individually) or W2 Organisation (if paying as group)


Please get in touch with Jelvine at j.cortez@tekupenga.org.nz for any questions.

About the Speaker

Dr John Evangelista

A medical doctor by education, John has specialised in healthcare management for the past 30 years.  He has led and been involved in executive teams in the UK, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Singapore and Hongkong.  His executive experience includes private sector and public sector management, ranging from large public and private organisations to disruptive start-ups.  After 30 years of healthcare management experience globally, he formed his own consultancy group in 2019.  John has a degree in Theology and in 2021, was appointed as Dean of the Catholic Theological College where he is also a lecturer in Pastoral Theology.

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Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

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