Degree-level Qualifications

The time to complete a qualification is dependent upon the number of papers  you can take each semester.

Bachelor of Theology degree generally takes three years of full-time study, although there are other options. It is a level 7 award of 360 credits or 24 papers.

A full-time student does 120 credits in a year.  That is four papers each semester.  All of our papers for this award are the same size, 15 credit points.

  • 4 papers x 15 credits = 60 credits in a semester.
  • There are two semesters in a year 60 + 60 = 120 credit points.

Part-time or distance students will take longer to complete the degree.  Refer to the page about “study mode” for more details both for Bachelor and Graduate Diploma Programmes.

Graduate Diploma in Theology – is a Level 7 award.  The eight papers that make up the diploma can be completed in:

  • One year of full-time study as an on-campus student,  or
  • Minimum of 2 years if studying by-distance, or
  • Minimum of 18 months if a part-time student studying on-campus

Please note that papers are completed each semester. The tertiary year consists of two semesters. Programmes can be commenced in either semester one (February) or semester two (July)

Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

Enrolment for Certificate and Diploma programmes is ongoing.
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