

Moodle is the name of our Learning Management System. It is the platform for teaching, as well as the for students’ learning

Your first stop then, for course material, is Moodle. You can get to Moodle from any computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection by going to the following site:

  • To access course pages in Moodle the College provides new students with a username, password and IT support

Moodle Course Page

            The Course Page for each paper you are taking contains:

*Course Unit Booklet; which sets out the syllabus for the course, the description of the assignments(and the marks for each) and the due date for each assignment.

*A selection of readings and other course materials for each week of the course (often added by your lecturer each week.)

*Your lecturer may also provide links to a selection of eBooks he/she recommends reading and to a broader list found in your course unit booklet.An advantage is that students don’t need to buy textbooks (there are one or two exceptions)

How to use Moodle for Campus students

Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

Enrolment for Certificate and Diploma programmes is ongoing.
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