The Learning Management System you use depends on the qualification in which you are enrolled.
Please click on the correct tab to find the Learning Management System for your study.
For Level 7 students, Blackboard is used as the learning management system. To log in, click here.
For Level 5 & 6 students, Canvas is your LMS. To log in, click here.
Your first stop then, for course material, is your LMS. You can get to Blackboard or Canvas from any computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection.
- To access course pages, the College provides new students with a username, password and IT support or contact your lecturer for assistance.
Free WiFi on-campus
You can log into the College’s secure WiFi when using your own computer or phone on-campus once you have setup your login details with the IT Support, Stephen Watkinson.
Students, both onsite and distance, become members of Colin Library at enrolment. Once you have been given your student number, the librarian will email you instructions on how to complete enrolment.
What do I get?
Being the oldest established Catholic Library in New Zealand, the historical depth of collections is a particular feature.
The Library has historical and current collection strengths in Catholic theology, canon law, spirituality, philosophy and Biblical studies.
There is a full range of eBooks and periodicals in these subject areas.
How do I discover library resources?
The online catalogue is searchable by anyone using a range of devices.
Access to eBooks requires a member login – eBooks are also searchable from the e-resources link.
Borrowing books
You are welcome to visit the Colin Library in person at 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby during opening hours. Opening hours are Monday- Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm during the semester and Monday-Friday 10am-4pm over the holiday breaks.
Borrow books by asking the librarian at the front desk. We have your details on our computer database.
Distance students can email requests for books to be posted out. Books are sent out at no charge but students are responsible for the return of books.
Learn to use the library and its resources
At the start of semester students can take a guided tour offered during Orientation Day, or talk to the librarian library@ctc.ac.nz at any time during either semester to arrange a tour.
Distance students can schedule a one-on-one “walk-through” over the phone with the librarian. When you call it’s helpful to have the College website open on-screen.
Need help? Call the Librarian, Mark Hangartner on (09) 361 1053 extension 703 (or press 3 immediately) or email library@ctc.ac.nz
Learning Management System
For Level 7 students, Blackboard is used as the learning management system. It is a platform for teaching, as well as the for students’ learning.
Your first stop then, for course material, is Blackboard. You can get to Blackboard from any computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection by going to the following Blackboard site. To log in, click here.
The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, Notes and Bibliography (or Chicago Footnotes) is a referencing style commonly used across the Schools of Philosophy & Theology and Arts & Sciences.
To access the referencing guide, click here.
Important Dates in the Academic Calendar
The year is split into two semesters, with 13 teaching weeks in each semester and courses are completed each semester. Distance students start and finish the semester the same as the on-campus students.
There are no lectures for on-campus and distance students over the semester break, assignment, and study and exam weeks.
Here is a link to the academic calendar for the current year
Teaching periods
Three hours of lectures are scheduled for a course each week, usually made up of one single lecture and one double (2 hour) lecture, although there can be exceptions such as a triple lecture of 3 hours with small breaks.
Here is a link to weekly timetables of lectures for the current semester.
Compulsory Attendance
CTC expects all on-campus students to attend all lectures and engage in all class activities.
Distance students are expected to do all online tasks in the week they are set.
Lecturers mark the attendance of all students.
A minimum attendance of 80% is required in order to pass a course, regardless of the marks received for graded assessments.
The minimum 80% attendance rule is:
- On-campus students must attend at least 32 hours of lectures i.e. absent no more than 7 hours – each course has 39 hours of lectures.
- Distance students must complete at least 11 weeks of online tasks i.e. miss no more than 2 weeks – each course has 13 weeks of tasks.
Workload Requirements for each Paper
For each course plan for 10 hours per week on coursework and associated study, including:
- 3 hours of lectures each week for on-campus students.
- Distance students should allocate 3 hours to reading lecture notes and/ or watching the lecturers’ PowerPoint presentations.
Weekly Online Tasks
For distance students attendance is met by completing the online tasks each week, during the week specified.
Distance students only can request a print book from our library anytime using Worldcat.
- Go to https://gsc.on.worldcat.org/discovery
- Sign In
- Type the author, title, subject or key words in the Search Book (details on page 5).
- Click on the title of the book from the list of publications that appear on screen. For example, clicking on the title ‘The Gospel of St Mark’ brings up the screen below.
- Click the Borrow/ Reserve button.
- Fill in the details in the ‘request’ screen
Borrowing using the Online Library Catalogue
The librarian is automatically notified of your online reserve / request.
- Reserves/ requests received after 9am will be actioned the following working day.
- Book requests are sent out to distance students at no cost to them.
- Distance students must return the book
Emailed Request
Distance students can choose to email the details of the book to library@ctc.ac.nz Copy and paste book details from your catalogue search.
Learning Management System
For Level 5 & 6 students, Canvas is the name of our Learning Management System. It is a platform for teaching, as well as the for students’ learning.
Your first stop then, for course material, is Canvas. You can get to Canvas from any computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection by going to the following site.
To log in, click here.