Recognition of prior learning is a process that involves formal assessment of a learner’s relevant and current knowledge and skills (gained through prior learning) to determine achievement of learning outcomes of a qualification.
Recognition of learning for credit is where your existing skills and knowledge (gained through your prior learning) can be assessed for credit, for example, toward a qualification or programme.
Recognising learning for credit enables learners to progress more easily in their education and career, taking their formal and non-formal skills and knowledge along with them, and not having to repeat training for what they already know or can do.
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority uses the terms credit recognition and transfer (CRT) and recognition of prior learning (RPL). CRT generally describes credit from formal, credentialed learning that can be transferred to another institution, while RPL generally describes credit from learning that has not been formally recognised. If you wish to apply for credits, please fill in the application for credit for previous studies and/or recognised prior and current learning form. Credit and RPL form
The College has policies and processes for credit recognition and transfer and recognition of prior learning.
We can only apply those processes to currently enrolled students – you cannot gain credit “in advance” of enrolling.
For credit recognition you need to provide documentation (usually a certified copy of a transcript) from the institution where you did the training. We ask for these documents to be provided as part of the enrolment process and if you wish to apply for credit recognition you do so on the enrolment form.
BDiv and GradDipTh credit recognition applications are processed by the Head of Level 7.
Graduate Diploma credit recognition applications are dealt with by the Board of Studies of the College.
For students enrolled in the Bachelor of Divinity programme credit recognition applications go to the Student Support and Administration Committee of the University of Notre Dame Australia.
Nothing is “guaranteed” when such an application is made, but anyone with an existing degree of any sort is advised to seek credit recognition. “Loose papers” are less predictable – they tend to only be transferred for credit when they have some connection to papers in the Bachelor of Divinity degree.