The Colin Library’s mission is to serve the students and staff of the College, the NZ Catholic Church, and a wider network within Aotearoa New Zealand. The Librarian and Library Assistant, 60,000 print volumes, 10,000 ebooks, and 850 ejournals are dedicated to serving the needs of our library users.
How do I discover these resources?
The online catalogue is searchable by anyone using a range of devices. Access to ebooks requires a member login – ebooks are also searchable from the e-resources link. Library of Catholic Thought has ebooks and The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the 21st Century. 9,000 of the ebooks come from a Religion collection to which SCD subscribes. Search and keep up to date: a powerpoint to help you save searches, lists of items and set up journal alerts.
As well as browsing for ebooks in the catalogue you can also download a list: ebooks August 2021, sorted by broad subject area or the course they best relate to.
Donations: we welcome offers of material, especially NZ parish and NZ Catholic school histories and yearbooks. Here is our donations policy to help you gauge what we can accept and how to make your offer.
Small searchable collections relating to Te Kupenga:
- Course Descriptions – single page outlines of a course.
- Research papers.
- NZ Missal graphics – NZ designs for the church year.
Login link: https://gsc.on.worldcat.org/v2
Here is a video to watch (16 minutes) using the library 2024.mp4

If you would like to become a member please send an email to library@ctc.ac.nz or fill below form.