Tō Tātou Whakapono Our Faith & CTC
NCRS resources commit to providing quality background context and theology, but teacher knowledge is critical for quality teaching and learning with rangatahi.
CTC commits to providing world-class higher education. Course units offered at CTC can help you deeply understand and implement the new NCRS RE curriculum (Tō Tātou Whakapono Our Faith). View the full curriculum document: www.totatouwhakapono.nz/curriculum
There are four themes in the new curriculum. Under each theme, you will find papers that are useful in your teaching.
Knowing about God, and relationship with God, each other and our world.
Knowing about Scripture and Tradition – context, place, people and purpose.
Knowing Church history and its connection to Aotearoa and us.
Knowing about Catholic Social Teaching, Discipleship and Mission, Morality and Ethics, Sacramental living, Faith and Culture and Christian Hope.