D. Theol. (University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia)
BA, DipMus, MTheol (University of Auckland, NZ)
Role at Te Kupenga: Lecturer in Biblical Studies
My earliest formal theology studies were at the Diocesan Theology Centre, Vienna, Austria where I pursued post-graduate music studies in the early 1980s. I have worked as a professional musician in Melbourne (Australia), Vienna (Austria), Norrköping (Sweden), and Auckland (New Zealand). I returned to New Zealand in the late 1990s since which I have continued to study theology alongside professional music commitments.
Sailing with the wind behind me in a P class as a child and nose diving from the Banks Peninsula Heads back into Akaroa Harbour put the “fear of God” into me. Other major experiences in my life are the Ignatian thirty day retreat and four years in Japan (Tokyo and Hiroshima). The multi-voices of the Hebrew Bible were a conceptual and religious inspiration for Jesus. They fascinate me too.
To relax I enjoy tramping, kayaking and cycling. Creating human communities and care of the earth, air and waterways for future generations concerns me
2023 “Rediscover Chant for Daily and Sunday Eucharist,” in Liturgy 48:4 December 2023:6-10.
2023 “God as a Midwife,” in Liturgy Vol 48:1 March 2023:8-11.
2022 Book Review of Arthur Walker-Jones, Psalms Book 2; An Earth Bible Commentary “As the Doe Groans” (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2021) in ABR vol 70 (2022), 128-29.
2021 “Innovative Perspectives on the Pentateuch,” pages 33-45 in Antony Francis Campbell SJ ‘Go think’ (Interface Theology Vol 7 Nr 1; Adelaide: ATF Theology, 2021). )
May 2021 “Psalms and Popular Songs–New Informing Old,” pages145-155 in God’s Exemplary Graduates (eds., Peter Bolt and Les Ball; Sydney: SCD Press, 2021).
Dec 2020 “Interpreting the Bible” in Liturgy Vol 45:4 December 2020:1-4.
Dec 2020 “A Short Drama in Response to Covid-19—Inspired by the Book of Job,” pages 27-38 in Interface Theology 6/1 2020.
June 2020 “The Lectionary” in Liturgy, Vol 45:2 June 2020. Also available on website of NZ National Liturgy Commission, and, Living Liturgy, Catholic Diocese of Sale, Australia.
2019 From Temple to Tent: Real to Virtual World (Exodus 24:15—Numbers10:28) (ATF Press Adelaide, 2019)
2018 “Aiming for Fairer Circulation of Money” Article for WelCom April 2018 https://www.wn.catholic.org.nz/adw_welcom/16531-2/
2018 “Text and Interpreting: From Classical Music to Biblical Studies,” in Wondering About God Together. Research-Led Learning & Teaching in Theological Education (eds., Peter Bolt and Les Ball; Sydney: SCD Press, 2018), 270-283.