Dr Rocío Figueroa

BTh (Philosophy and Theology Pontifical Faculty of Theology and Civil de Lima) 
LTh (Philosophy and Theology Pontifical Faculty of Theology and Civil de Lima
STD (Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome)

Role at Te Kupenga: Lecturer in Theology

A Peruvian Catholic Theologian, Rocio has previously lectured and worked in Peru, Italy, and Mexico. She worked in the Holy See as head of the Women’s section in the Pontifical Council for the Laity.  Rocio’s present research focus is theological and pastoral responses for survivors of Church sexual abuse.



    1. Rocío Figueroa, Una amiga santa. Concepción Cabrera: mujer, laica, mística [A friend saint. Concepcion Cabrera, woman, lay, mystic] México: Editorial La Cruz, 2020.
    2. Jayme Reaves, David Tombs and Rocío Figueroa (Eds.) When Did We See You Naked? Why Acknowledging Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse matters.  Edimburg: SCM Press, 2021
    1. Rocío Figueroa, Alianza de amor – Fuentes [Covenant of Love – Sources],  Mexico City: Alianza de amor, 2015.
    2. Rocío Figueroa, Pareja dispareja? Hombre y mujer, ¿iguales o diferentes?  [Odd Couple? Man and woman, equal or different?]  Puebla: UPAEP, 2013.
    3. Rocío Figueroa, Hacia la verdad de mi mismo,  [Towards the truth of myself] Mexico City: Alianza de Amor, 2011.
    4. Rocío Figueroa, ¿Hay sentido en el dolor? Reflexiones Cristológicas [Is there Sense in suffering? Christological reflections] Circulo de Encuentro: Lima, 2004
    5. Rocío Figueroa,  C’è senso nel dolore? Riflessioni cristologiche, Rome: Circolo d Incontro, 2004.


  • Rocio Figueroa, Aton Hungyo and David Tombs: “If people in the church knew: Purity, stigma and victim blaming” in: The Canonist Vol. 14, n. 2(2023) 280-291.
  • Rocío Figueroa Alvear & David Tombs: “Disciplina, obediencia y abuso en el Sodalicio”, Concilium 403, September 2023.
  • Rocío Figueroa & Tracy McEwan, “Conscience in Amoris Laetitia and the responses of Women in Oceania” in INTAMS: Marriage, Families and Spirituality, Volume 30, 2023 II.
  • Rocío Figueroa & David Tombs, “Discipline, Obedience and Punishments : Spiritual Abuse as an enable of Sexual Abuse within Sodalicio” in Veronique Claire Gauthier and Ana Lourdes Suarez eds. Abuse in the Latin American Church: An Evolving Crisis at the Core of Catholicism, Routledge, 2023.
  • Rocio Figueroa Alvear, “Latin American Theology and the Pandemic”, Colloquium 54-2 2022.
  • Figueroa R. – Tombs, D.,  “Obbedire al Piano di Dio? L’abuso spirituale delle suore” in La Tenda Prospettiva Persona, https://www.centropersonalista.it/latenda/2023/04/14/obbedire-al-piano-di-dio-labuso-spirituale-delle-suore/
  • Figueroa R. – Tombs, D., “Obeying God’s Plan? The Spiritual Abuse of nuns”, D. Fleming, H. Zollner (Eds) Doing Theology and Theological Ethics in the Face of the Abuse Crisis,  Vol. 3, Issue CTWEC Book Series, No. 3, 2023 | Published by Journal of Moral Theology (scholasticahq.com).
  • Rocío Figueroa – David Tombs, “El abuso espiritual de religiosas. Caso de estudio: Siervas del Plan de Dios”, Teología y Vida, 63/3 (2022) 399-424 
  • Rocío Figueroa – David Tombs, “Seeing his Innocence I see my Innocence. Exploring responses to Jesus as a victim of sexual abuse” in: Jayme Reaves – David Tombs – Rocio Figueroa (eds) When did We See You Naked? Jesus as a victim of Sexual Abuse. London: SCM Press, 2021, 287-312.
  • Rocío Figueroa – David Tombs, “Living in Obedience and Suffering in Silence. The Shattered faith of nuns abused by priests” in: Mathias Wirth, Isabelle Noth,Silvia Schroer (eds) Sexualisierte Gewalt in kirchlichen KontextNeue interdisziplinär PerspektivenBern: De Gruyter, 2022, 45-74.
  • Rocío Figueroa – David Tombs, “Viendo su Inocencia veo mi Inocencia” en: Daniel Portillo (coord.), Abusos y Reparación. Sobre los comportamientos no sexuales en la Iglesia, Madrid: PPC, 2021 93-120.
  • Rocío Figueroa – Philip Gibbs ‘Catholics in Oceania” in: Kenneth Ross – Katalina Tahaafe-Williams and Todd Johnson (eds), Christianism in Oceania. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press Group, (2021), 190-205.
  • Rocío Figueroa – David Tombs, ‘Recognising Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse. Responses from Sodalicio Survivors in Peru’, Religion and Gender 10 (2020) 1-19.
  • Rocío Figueroa – David Tombs, “Listening to Male Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse: Voices from Survivors of Sodalicio Abuses in Peru” in The Canonist vol 8, no. 1, (2017) 135-167.

    Developer and Consultant for: “Video Series- Voices of Faith’. 

    Voices of Faith https://voicesoffaith.org/ has its focus on the issue of exploitation and abuse of religious sister and created a video series to help educate and explain situations and factor that can lead to various forms of abuse to vulnerable sisters. See all videos here.

Te Kupenga - Catholic Leadership Institute

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